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I was just reading up on the Father Robinson case last night. The thought crossed my mind as to how frequently such occurences manifest - especially within a religion such as Catholicism, where chastity is such an huge issue. I would garner to guess that such things occur more often than those in the faith may want to believe because it is human nature to have physical desires; and to be required to suppress such an integral part of the human make-up can create a tremendous imbalance in some people. Obviously I'm not Catholic. ;0)

David Zaffina

Where do you get your facts about Sister Janina? None of what you say about her and the parish priest's relationship show up in People v Lipsczinska, 212 Michigan Reports December 1920 at pages 484 etc.


There are a lot of newspaper articles about the case on Author Larry Wakefield also devoted a chapter to the case in "Butcher's Dozen."


Dies ist ein großer Ort. Ich möchte hier noch einmal.

Laura James

danke und kommen Sie wieder!


You don't mention the newest book on the case - ISADORE'S SECRET by Mardi Link. A great read and it details a lot of facts about the case.

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