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James E. Fritch

Dr. George was my father’s cousin, and my second cousin, and the fact is he amassed millions in Detroit real estate. I was born in 1933 and when I visited him many times at the Detroit Paul Revere Hotel, which he owned—and also owned the Fritch Hotel and other numerous properties in downtown Detroit.

I recall and a Detroit News article tells about Dr. George in obituary titled “Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Dies” that he was as notorious as Detroit’s Purple Gang from the late 1920s through 1940s and I think he died in the late1950s, as I lost track of him when I went into the service. For more information check with the Detroit News for his obituary.

The story I heard and the Detroit News cited is that he did go to jail once, but he got a retrial, won the case and took the jury out to dinner.

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