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There was a fascinating paper I heard recently about Scottish law history on a tangent from Claire Jackson at Cambridge which was about the way that in the 17th Century Scottish Juries could be tried on the basis that they had found a guilty man innocent- that must have made the pressure to convict in matters like this even greater becuse the folklore element would have been allied to the threat of the law in the jury's mind.


All I can say to that is WoW! I can't imagine being a juror under such a system. I've never heard of this before. It'd certainly be interesting to read about.

I did a quick Google search and found this article, "Guilty or Not Guilty" by attorney and jury specialist Godfrey D. Lehman:

"The Scottish jurors also were hampered by an intimidating institution known as the "Great Assize," or grand jury. If a trial jury returned a verdict displeasing to the king, the grand jury was empowered to review the verdict and to charge the jurors with "willful error." In one non-witchcraft trial, the "Great Assize" condemned an acquittal and imposed the following sentence on the jurors:

"That all their moveables [sic], as well as cattle and other goods. . . be escheated to the King: and further at the King’s will: And they shall be perpetually infamous and perjured." Sometimes, non-movables, such as houses and barns, were burned."

Margaret Donsbach

The bleeding of a corpse is an important detail in the plot of the great medieval German epic poem Das Nibelungenlied (Song of the Nibelungs). Siegfried's widow, Kriemhild, suspects Hagen of murdering her husband and arranges for the courtiers to pass by her husband's bier, so that his corpse will bleed afresh when Hagen passes by.


Wooow... less than 100 comments!!... I have to take advantage of this and write my comment on your site... ok... what should I write??... mmm, I don't think my criminal history would help me gain your sympathy, uh?? haha... anyway, I would like to say that I think you're a incredible blogger and writer... so, thanks for that.. now I know I'm not a robot. well, this post is gettin' too long to be read, so i'll stop now...

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