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Faye Musselman

I have all the newspaper articles concerning the theft of "Love's Dream" and 'Love's Awakening". It's quite a story and Lizzie did, in fact, steal them. She gave them to the wife of Preston Gardiner of Swansea, who subsequently quietly returned them to Tilden Thurber and the matter was dropped, without the warrant being served. This was in 1897, when Emma still lived with Lizzie at "Maplecroft" on French Street in Fall River. How humiliating and distressing it must have been to Emma. And how thankful she was for her intervention. Emma left Preston, his wife Mary, and their daughter Maude, $15,000 each in her Will. Lizzie left them nothing.

Faye Musselman

I meant to say "for HIS intervention" meaning Preston Gardiner. The paintings, btw, were not oil, but porcelain. Lizzie actually gave only one to Mary, and the other was actually in her home and observed by a representative of Tilden-Thurber and a Fall River police officer who came a-calling to investigate. Lizzie persisted in her denial that she had paid for them. Had it not been for Preston, she surely would have been arrested ......and convicted this time. That Lizzie. Ya gotta love her.

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