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Spilsbury is attacked in a new book, "Lethal Witness: Sir Bernard Spilsbury, Honorary Pathologist," by Andrew Rose. It was reviewed in the Oct 20 Spectator (link at, which singled out the Merrett case in particular.

It's quite a precipitous descent for Spilsbury -- when I started reading true crime a long time ago, he was counted among the gods, infallible in every respect. Many were the hushed, breathless accounts I read of his giving evidence in court, his quiet, yet steely confidence, his absolute command of the scientific facts. And now he's exposed as a hack with his own set of prejudices and vanities.

Oh, and the goddess of the Scottish verdict was featured on TMC this morning in "Madeleine," starring Ann Todd. I had to leave very reluctantly for work just as Papa was sternly admonishing Madeleine for her behavior at table, wolfing down the cutlets so as to get out of his presence sooner, evidently. "Give Papa a nice cup of cocoa, Madeleine!" I muttered.


Ach, couldn't access that Spectator article. Interesting...I just read on Wiki that Spilsbury committed suicide.

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