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Faye Musselman

Let's hope the portrait does not end up at the Fall River Historical Society where it will not be as accessible for free viewing as it would at the Swansea Historical Society. Residing up on "The Hill" is the very last place old Andrew would have wanted to be - dead OR alive.
I'd rather see him see "hanging out" at 92 Second Street - the house he never wanted to leave anyway. Then again, some say he is still there. More images and thoughts on the portrait are at my blog as well:


He's not smiling! He looks about as cheerful as he does in older pictures. However it's nicer than the final picture Lizzie left us with.


I agree it is a much nicer picture then we were originally left with for all eternity. Now at least we can see his face as it should have been and not split by an ax and full of blood. Sadly I can see Lizzy IN his features as well....*sigh*

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