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I mean the museums, Laura, not you!

Kevin M. Sullivan

Actually, a crime museum is a great idea. I remember visiting Madame Tussauds in London in 1972, where they had a wax figure of the murderer John George Haigh. Not only did the figure match his likeness exactly, but it was dressed in the actual suite Haigh wore during his trial. And so, whenever historical pieces are being saved from the dust bin of history, - be they from famous people,(and I don't mean celebrities here)or well-known criminals like Bundy, Manson, or Jack the Ripper; or anything from past wars or historical events, ect,that is a good thing.

Sometimes folks get weird about the objects associated with certain events, especially if those events were tragic, or in the case of killers and their victims, horrifying. That's understandable. But we must remember, as time marches onward, the "things" associated with these, (in the case of true crime)infamous people will serve as a tangible reminder to future generations that, yes, it really is true; that it's more than just words written on pages. It will be like looking into the past! This is why the preservation of such items is so important.

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