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Kevin M. Sullivan

You would think the courts would not want to keep going down these roads, but apparently they do. Where on earth was this kid's attorney when these questions were being raised? True, he was using a car he knew wasn't his, and he very well may have already had an arrest record. But there is no excuse for "the system" to be fouling up this way. People should be smarter than this.


Just a quick correction. There have been 216 DNA exonerations in the US. Most have been the result of work done by the Innocence Project. The Cooley Innocence Project has been instrumental in the exonerations of Ken Wyniemko and Nathaniel Hatchett. As a former intern with the Cooley Innocence Project, I am proud of the work done there. However, Cooley's project has not been responsible for all 216.


Thank you for that Terry. And cheers to Cooley for its hard work.

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