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Kevin M. Sullivan

I'm not on Facebook, My Space, or Twitter. I just can't bring myself to do it, LOL!

Holly Bracy

I am reading "Murder in the Thumb" right now and it is fascinating and hard to put down. I grew up in Caro and knew some of the people mentioned in the book. Highly recommend it.


I'm on Facebook but I left Twitter as I thought it was only a thing for people with too much time to do! No My Space, either!

Mardi Link

I am a Facebook late adopter. I dug my heels in hard. HOWEVER, now that I'm on I have to say its been fun connecting with people I haven't seen in years. Especially a group of reporters I worked with right out of J school. Give it a try, it's actually pretty cool. And, can I be your friend?


oh bother -- I don't even have a cell phone!

Kevin M. Sullivan

Laura, tell me you're joking? You don't have a cell phone? How do you do it? My wife made me drop our land line after 20 years, as we all have cell phones. Come to think of it, I believe my granddaughter has a cell phone; well, maybe not, she's only 26 months old!

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