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Dave Cullen

Wow, that's quite a list. I'm honored to be on it. (Even if that only means my publisher showed a little faith in me. I'm pleased to see they did.)

I hope to earn one of your stars one day.



Thanks for stopping by. I'd be surprised if your book wasn't on the long list, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it on the short list. Good luck.

>>I hope to earn one of your stars one day.

That could imply you're writing another...? Please do dish, if you are.

Dave Cullen

Thanks, Laura. That made me smile.

I am working on another book, but in the early stages--to early to talk about. I never know what's really going to pan out. I try to go in with few preconceptions, and be ready for different/better things to appear. So who knows where it will lead.

But regardless of that, I've got a whole lot of books in me. I'm not sure how fast I can get them out--I'm slow--but eventually.

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